Students give advice on preparing for finals

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Many students are already beginning to feel the pressure and stress that accompany finals. Though it may not feel like it right now, there are ways to relax and calm nerves during this tense time.

“Going into my last semester of finals, I feel somewhat at ease,” senior Josh Kiethly said. “The main thing I have learned is to use reading day, as well as that weekend in between, wisely. We all want to go out on the weekends, but you got to make sacrifices for finals.”

Junior Dallas Chung recalled a time in which he failed to prepare for his finals and almost slept through an entire exam.

“I was up all night studying like almost everyone else and went to bed around four in the morning and the final was not until the afternoon and then I woke up and had 15 minutes to get to class and make it,” Chung said. “So my advice would be to set multiple alarms and make them loud.”

While there are plenty of final exam horror stories, there are also plenty of students who have had successful finals.

“I have absolutely no horror stories,” junior Edward Wilkins said. “All I try to do is go to the third floor of the library and just study as much as I can.”

However, junior Casey Johnston decides to leave his final up to fate.

“Are any chem majors ever actually prepared for finals?” Johnston said. “I usually just study as much as I would for any other test because some classes I will just never fully understand.” Johnston’s advice to new students was to “just prepare like you would as if it were a normal test, if you fail, just retake the class.”


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