Renovation plans center around sustainability

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If you can picture a modern university with a new multiple story University Center, extended theatre for the performing arts and science buildings equipped with all the latest technology, you may see what the university is aiming for.

With facilities in desperate need of attention, and the new strategic plan nearing its completion, University President Lesley Hallick will begin work on deciding what developments are worth pursuing.

Pacific has been in long need of a makeover and Hallick said the university has been making its plans to renovate based on the STARS program. Buildings that are sustainable, efficient and presentable are judged with stars. Gold is the highest rating. Pacific right now is rated at a bronze standard. Hallick said she hopes to bring the university up to gold standards by 2020.

According to Staff Director of Academic Affairs John Hayes, Pacific is putting an emphasis on sustainability because as an educational institution that teaches ethics and social justice, Pacific has an obligation to set an example for use of sustainable practices.

Hayes also explained, “We have built six new buildings since 2005. The library was the first and is LEED Silver.” (A sustainability rating system of the U.S. Green Building Council or otherwise known as STARS).

“The other five— Burlingham, Gilbert, and Berglund on the Forest Grove campus and the two new buildings in Hillsboro— are all LEED Gold. Any other new buildings will also be LEED Gold,” said Hayes.

The optometry program plans to move from the Forest Grove campus to Hillsboro by 2020 at the latest. Their move will free up space in Berglund hall, which will likely be split up among the sciences.

With many plans on the chopping block, the upcoming months will tell the future for Pacific and Hallick’s intentions for what the face of the university will begin to look like over the next decade.


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