Finals close to break cause students to panic

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In past years, Thanksgiving break has fallen so that there is at least one full week of classes before fials begin. 

This year there were two days of classes before reading day. 

For those who were able to return home, and even for those who didn’t, the break, a time for relaxation, gave students the opportunity to leave their school worries for finals. 

While having the opportunity to relax and enjoy the break is much needed for stressed out college students, it also causes students to push aside their studies. Upon return, it generally takes students at least one day of classes to be able to get back into the rhythm of school work. 

Returning with bellies full of turkey, gravy amd stuffing is not the best way to encourage motivation and hard work. 

While it would have been preferable to have a few more days before finals begin, it also would have helped to try and study before leaving for turkeyfest.


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